Pelvic/Bottom complaints
The bony pelvis is formed of the two hip bones (Ossa coxae). Together with the Os sacrum, it forms the pelvic girdle. The articulation in the pelvic girdle is called sacroiliac joint, which is the connection between the bony pelvis and the spine. The movement of the sacroiliac joint is quite small but it plays an important role, for example during walking. The pelvic girdle is really strong and stable. Therefore, it’s important for an upright posture and safe stand.
Physiotherapy for patients with pelvic complaints is focussed on problems in the whole area of the lower back, pelvis, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.
Problems in the pelvic area can exist with either women, men or children. Pain that occurs might be steady but it can also come and go. It can be characterized by a sharp and stabbing pain which can disturb your daily activities.
Symptoms of pelvic/bottom injuries
Pain is the main symptom of pelvic complaints. An overview of symptoms that may occur :
- Sharp and stabbing pain felt in a specific spot in the bottom
- Muscular pain in the pelvic/bottom area
- Less movement in the pelvis area, like during walking
- Pain while sitting
- Constipation
- Broken pelvis
- Malfunction of the pelvic floor muscle
- Menstrual cramps
- Fascia problems
- Piriformis pain syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Overload and too much tension of the muscles around the pelvis
- Nerve compression from muscle tension
- Wrong posture
- Blocked joint, for example the ilio-sacral joint
Causes of pelvic/bottom injuries
There could be many possible causes for pelvic complaints. An overview of some of the common causes and the conditions we treat is given below :
Consultation and treatment
- Advising and information about your problem and the treatment plan
- Fasciatherapy or therapeutical massage of the soft tissues to reduce/remove pain and tension
- Manual therapy of the joints to improve the mobility and, if necessary, to decompress the nerve
- Exercises to improve the power and function of weakened muscles and to increase the range of joint movement
- Fascia and stretching exercises to reduce and prevent stiffness of related muscles and joints