Perineal rehabilitation
What is perineal rehabilitation?
Perineal rehabilitation is a global approach based on the rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles. It can be practiced as a cure at any time in a woman’s life, whether after pregnancy or upon the arrival of menopause for example, but it can also be recommended as a preventative measure.

What is the perineum?
The perineum (or pelvic floor) is often compared to a hammock because of its shape. It is a set of muscles, ligaments and tissues which are located in the lower abdomen, in the pelvis (going from the pubis in front to the coccyx in the back). They play an important role in supporting the pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, rectum), continence, intimate relationships, and stability of the back, pelvis and hips.
When the pelvic muscles relax, it can have multiple consequences in a woman’s life. The most common problems linked to a weakened, weakened, overstretched or overly tense pelvic floor are urinary leakage (urinary or fecal incontinence, stress incontinence, feeling of urgency), static disorders (prolapse or descent of organs) and pain (dyspareunia, vulvodynia).
Many factors will act directly or indirectly on the muscular tone of the perineum. The most common cases that can weaken the perineum are pregnancy and childbirth (the weight of the baby for 9 months weakens the perineum, childbirth can cause tears), age and the onset of menopause (the hormonal drop can cause a loss of tissue elasticity), obesity, carrying heavy loads, practicing impact sports, certain medical conditions can induce an increase in abdominal pressure which is harmful to the pelvic floor.
In which case is it recommended to consult perineal and pelvic rehabilitation?
- If you have a problem with urinary retention, if you experience a few drops or leaks of urine when laughing, sneezing, coughing, running, carrying heavy weights or if you have difficulty holding it because the the desire is too strong.
- If you suffer from organ prolapse/descendence or symptoms that suggest it such as a feeling of a lump, pelvic heaviness, feeling of weight in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating or defecating.
- If you suffer from pelvic pain, for example during sexual intercourse, before or during your period.
- If you need prenatal support to better experience your pregnancy and childbirth, to manage the changes and discomforts related to pregnancy and to continue to have physical activity adapted to your condition.
- After childbirth (vaginally or by cesarean section) to help the body heal and return to physical and sporting activities with confidence, to prevent pelvic floor problems.
- If you want to know the condition of your pelvic floor and as a preventative measure to avoid possible problems, stay in good pelvic health throughout your life.
How does perineal rehabilitation work?
During the first rehabilitation session we always perform a perineal assessment. We will discuss your medical history, your problems and your symptoms, then we will continue with your agreement with a clinical examination which is carried out by vaginal examination to assess the state of the perineum and its functions. This allows you to adapt your care to offer you the rehabilitation method best suited to your needs.
The methods are as follows: manual perineal rehabilitation, rehabilitation with visualization exercises, electrostimulation, rehabilitation using the biofeedback device, strengthening of the abdominal strap by integrating the perineum, advice on behavioral and lifestyle changes, scar work , manual therapy, visceral technique, adapted Pilates exercises.
It’s never too late to start pelvi-perineal-abdominal rehabilitation treatment!